Shoulder Pain


Shoulder pain is a common health problem that negatively affects daily life and can be caused by many different reasons. Injuries, strains or inflammation in the muscles, tendons, ligaments or joints of the shoulder usually cause this pain. The shoulder joint is one of the most mobile joints in the body and can therefore be easily damaged. The main causes of shoulder pain include muscle tears, tendon inflammation, frozen shoulder (adhesivecapsulitis), arthritis (osteoarthritis) and bursitis. Treatment methods may include rest, physiotherapy, medication and, in advanced cases, surgery. It is important for people with shoulder pain to consult a specialist for early diagnosis and treatment to prevent long-term complications.

Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialist Dr. Özgür Oktay Nar, a specialist in shoulder pain, achieves very successful results in the diagnosis and treatment of such disorders. Dr. Nar offers solutions to improve the quality of life of his patients, especially with advanced treatment methods for shoulder joint problems. In the treatment of common problems such as shoulder muscle tears, tendonitis, frozen shoulder and joint calcification, he develops patient-specific approaches and evaluates both surgical and non-surgical treatment options. Thanks to his expertise and experience, Dr. Özgür Oktay Nar offers a successful treatment process to many patients struggling with shoulder pain and helps them regain their former mobility.

Table of Contents

What Causes Shoulder Pain?

Shoulder pain can be caused by various disorders of the shoulder joint or the surrounding muscles, tendons, ligaments and nerves. The most common causes include muscle strains, tendon inflammation (tendonitis) and muscle tears that develop as a result of overuse or improper movement of the shoulder. In addition, conditions such as arthritis (osteoarthritis), frozen shoulder (adhesivecapsulitis) and bursitis in the shoulder joint can also cause pain. Trauma, such as falls or bumps, can cause dislocations or fractures of the shoulder joint, resulting in severe pain. In some cases, neck and spine problems can also cause pain in the shoulder. Long-term shoulder pain should be evaluated by a specialist physician as there may be a serious underlying problem.

Omuz Ağrısı Neden Olur?

What are the Types of Shoulder Pain?

There are many different types and causes. Shoulder fiber tears are particularly common in athletes or people who are subjected to repetitive shoulder movements. In this case, tears occur in the shoulder muscles and tendons, leading to restricted movement and pain. Shoulder impingement syndrome is a condition in which the muscles and tendons of the shoulder are compressed, causing pain and loss of movement. Capsular tear occurs when the capsule surrounding the connective tissue of the shoulder joint is damaged and usually impairs joint stability. Shoulder arthritis (osteoarthritis) occurs as a result of wear of the articular cartilage with age and can lead to severe pain and restriction of movement over time. Frozen shoulder disease (adhesivecapsulitis), on the other hand, causes severe limitation of movement and pain in the shoulder due to hardening and narrowing of the capsule surrounding the shoulder joint. Shoulder arthroscopy, which is frequently used in the diagnosis and treatment of such disorders, is a minimally invasive surgical method and allows treatment by visualizing the structures inside the shoulder with a camera placed in the shoulder joint through small incisions.

Omuz Ağrıları Türleri Nelerdir?

What is a Shoulder Fiber Tear?

A shoulder fiber tear is a condition in which the muscles and tendons in the shoulder area tear as a result of overstretching, strain or trauma. Especially the muscle group known as the rotator sheath, which provides the movement of the shoulder, is the most prone to such tears. Shoulder fiber tears are common in athletes, people doing physical work or individuals exposed to repetitive shoulder movements. Symptoms include severe pain in the shoulder, limitation of movement, loss of strength and night pain. Depending on the size and severity of the tear, treatment can range from conservative methods such as rest and physiotherapy to surgical intervention. Early intervention is important to preserve shoulder mobility and prevent more serious complications.

Omuz Lif Yırtığı Nedir?

What is Shoulder Impingement Disease?

Shoulder impingement disease, medically known as impingement syndrome, is a condition in which the muscles and tendons in the shoulder are compressed between the head of the shoulder and the acromion bone. This impingement usually develops due to repetitive movements, incorrect posture or weakness of the shoulder muscles. It is especially common in activities where the arms are frequently raised. The disease manifests itself with symptoms such as pain, limitation of movement and weakness in the shoulder. If left untreated, it can lead to more serious damage to the muscles and tendons in the shoulder. Shoulder impingement is usually treated with rest, physiotherapy and anti-inflammatory drugs; however, surgical intervention may be required in advanced cases.

Omuz Sıkışma Hastalığı Nedir?

What is a Capsule Tear?

A capsular tear is an injury or tear of the connective tissue capsule that surrounds the shoulder joint. This capsule helps to keep the shoulder joint stable and when it tears, it can cause instability, pain and limitation of movement in the shoulder. It usually occurs as a result of falls, sports injuries or overstrain. People with a capsular tear experience pain when moving their shoulder, a feeling of looseness in the shoulder and difficulty in shoulder movements. Treatment includes rest, physical therapy and sometimes surgery, depending on the severity of the tear. Early diagnosis and treatment is important to prevent long-term shoulder problems.

Kapsül Yırtığı Nedir?

What is Shoulder Calcification?

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease caused by the wear and tear of cartilage; it develops with aging, overuse or genetic factors. Osteoarthritis of the shoulder is characterized by pain, stiffness, limitation of movement and a clicking sensation in the joint. As the disease progresses, the pain can worsen and shoulder movements can become increasingly difficult. Treatment options include painkillers, physiotherapy and, if necessary, surgery.

Omuz Kireçlenmesi Nedir?

What is Frozen Shoulder Disease?

Frozen shoulder is known as adhesive capsulitis; mobility is restricted by thickening and hardening of the shoulder capsule. This narrowing of the shoulder capsule prevents movement within the joint and causes pain over time. Problems occur more frequently in shoulders that are immobilized for a long time, after injury or surgery. The disease progresses in three stages: pain, freezing and the thawing period when movement is restored. Treatment for frozen shoulder includes physiotherapy, pain medication and, when necessary, surgical interventions such as arthroscopy. Early intervention can slow the progression of the disease and improve shoulder mobility.

What is Shoulder Arthroscopy?

Shoulder arthroscopy is a minimally invasive procedure used in the diagnosis and treatment of damage to the shoulder joint. In this procedure, a camera (arthroscope) is inserted into the shoulder joint through small incisions. The camera visualizes the structures inside the joint, allowing the surgeon to see and intervene directly. Shoulder arthroscopy is used to treat shoulder impingement syndrome, rotator sheath tears and inflammation. Arthroscopy offers less tissue damage and a faster recovery time than open surgery. Normal activities can be resumed within a few days, but physical therapy may be required for full recovery.

Omuz Artroskopisi Nedir?

Successful Treatment Processes in Shoulder Disorders with Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialist Dr. Özgür Oktay Nar

Orthopedic Specialist Dr. Özgür Oktay Nar specializes in shoulder treatment and provides successful results in many patients. He offers effective solutions for rotator sheath tears, shoulder impingement, capsule tears, arthritis and frozen shoulder. Dr. Nar ensures fast and painless recovery of his patients with minimally invasive surgical techniques such as shoulder arthroscopy. Dr. Özgür Oktay Nar adopts a holistic approach to maintaining shoulder health with customized plans for each patient.

Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Uzmanı Dr. Özgür Oktay Nar ile Omuz Rahatsızlıklarında Başarılı Tedavi Süreçleri

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

1. What are the most common causes of shoulder pain?

Shoulder pain is usually caused by muscle strain, tendonitis, impingement syndrome, rotator sheath tears and arthritis. In addition, frozen shoulder disease and traumatic injuries to the shoulder joint are also common causes.

2. How to recognize a shoulder fiber tear?

Shoulder fiber tears are usually characterized by pain, limitation of movement and loss of strength. If severe pain is felt, especially when lifting the arm or with certain movements, a fiber tear is highly likely. Night pain is also a common symptom.

3. What is shoulder impingement and how is it treated?

Shoulder impingement syndrome is a painful condition caused by compression of the tendons in the shoulder. Treatment usually includes rest, anti-inflammatory medication, physiotherapy and, if necessary, surgery. Early diagnosis leads to a faster recovery.

4. How is frozen shoulder disease treated

In the treatment of frozen shoulder disease, painkillers and physical therapy methods are used in the first stage. In cases resistant to treatment, surgical interventions such as shoulder arthroscopy may be required to restore shoulder movements. Full recovery is possible with treatment planned by a specialist physician.

5. What is shoulder arthroscopy and when is it necessary?

Shoulder arthroscopy is a minimally invasive surgery used in the diagnosis and treatment of shoulder joint problems. It is especially applied for problems such as shoulder impingement, rotator sheath tears, cartilage damage and capsule tears. Arthroscopy provides faster recovery time and less pain.

6. How is shoulder arthritis treated?

In the early stages, shoulder arthritis is treated with painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs and physiotherapy. In advanced stages, surgical interventions and even shoulder prosthesis may be required when joint wear reaches serious dimensions. Treatment is shaped according to the severity of the patient’s complaints and quality of life.

7. How long does it take for a capsule tear to heal?

The recovery time for a capsular tear depends on the size of the tear and the treatment method. With rest and physiotherapy, recovery can be achieved within a few weeks; surgical intervention can prolong the process.

Picture of Op. Dr. Özgür Oktay Nar

Op. Dr. Özgür Oktay Nar

Op. Dr. Özgür Oktay Nar, ortopedi ve travmatoloji alanında uzmanlaşmış, ayak ve ayak bileği cerrahisi, spor yaralanmaları ve minimal invaziv cerrahi gibi konularda deneyimlidir. Kendi özel muayenehanesinde, hastalarına kişiye özel tedavi planları sunarak, sağlıklı ve aktif bir yaşam için en güncel tedavi yöntemlerini uygulamaktadır.

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