What is Migraine Botox?

What is Migraine?

Migraine pain, also known as ‘hemicrania’, which means pain in one half of the head, has increased considerably recently. Migraine, a neurological disorder, is more common in women than in men. The percentage of migraine pain is 20% in women and 8% in men. Looking at the society in general, it is seen that this pain, which covers 90% of the society, sometimes lasts for days.

The “migraine botox” treatment method, which has been applied more and more recently for pain that affects the quality of life of people, has also emerged.


What are the Symptoms?

During the period of pain in the head, some symptoms also occur. These symptoms can be categorized as nausea, darkening of the eyes, dizziness, sensitivity to light, balance disorders, hypersensitivity to sounds.

In almost 70% of people who will experience migraine pain, the body starts to give certain signals before the pain starts. These signals can be listed as follows;

  • Problems with eyesight
  • Impaired ability to speak
  • Failure to achieve full results in motor skills
  • A sensory disorder

What is the Treatment?

As migraine treatment, first of all, it is to ensure that the person knows that he/she may experience these migraine attacks at any time and can continue his/her life accordingly. Since environmental factors can trigger migraine, the individual should recognize these triggering situations and avoid these situations. However, there is no escape from migraine pain that may be caused by sudden pressure changes in weather conditions.

Individuals who experience pain also face a headache at the end of stressful periods in their lives. At this point, good stress management training helps to relieve the person.

Some of the medicines taken under the supervision of a doctor may be mild depending on the severity of the pain. In such a case, the dose or amount of medication can be increased under the supervision of a doctor.

The lives of individuals experiencing pain should be in a routine. If you go out of routine, headache is likely to occur. Regular nutrition, balanced sleep and a healthy diet are the main points to be considered.

People who experience migraine pain can apply migraine botox as another solution.

What is Migraine Botox?

This treatment using small needles is called migraine botox. This treatment, which was discovered by chance and is still being developed, affects the nerves in the brain that cause pain and prevents these nerves from secreting the secretions that cause pain, preventing migraine pain from the beginning. This procedure, which is usually performed by injecting Botox into the temples, forehead, muscles in certain parts of the neck and the back of the head, offers a high rate of solution. With Botox treatment, the muscles start to work regularly and healthily and the pain ends.

Who Can Have Migraine Botox?

Botox can be administered to people if the pain they experience at levels that affect their quality of life is now chronic, if the person’s attack exceeds a period of 10 days, if the person has at least two attacks within a month, if there is no specific health problem that will prevent botox from being administered, if the person is not pregnant, if the person is not breastfeeding. However, as in every disease and treatment process, your doctor in a neurology specialty must first see you and decide on this by performing some tests, examinations and analyzes. If your doctor deems you suitable for this treatment as a result of the controls, you can apply this treatment.

Are There Side Effects of Migraine Botox?

Migraine botox must be performed by specialist physicians. If your doctor has concluded that you are suitable for this procedure as a result of the tests and analyzes, the procedure should be started.

After thoroughly cleaning the area where the procedure will be performed, the procedure should be performed in a sterile manner. If there is no sterile application, there is a possibility of infection.

However, apart from this, the Botox procedure does not have very serious side effects. Symptoms that may occur after the procedure are as follows;

  • Slight redness in the treated area,
  • A swelling in the treated area,
  • Burning in the treated area,
  • Mild pain in the treated area,
  • Bruising in the treated area,
  • Allergic reaction of the treated area

Although these symptoms are not very serious, you should still consult your doctor. It is useful for your doctor to see the treated area and offer you a solution.

If you have any health problems, please get support from a specialist physician first.

Picture of Op. Dr. Özgür Oktay Nar

Op. Dr. Özgür Oktay Nar

Op. Dr. Özgür Oktay Nar, specialized in orthopedics and traumatology, is experienced in foot and ankle surgery, sports injuries and minimally invasive surgery. In his private practice, he offers personalized treatment plans to his patients and applies the most up-to-date treatment methods for a healthy and active life.

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