Arthritis Treatment, Symptoms and Treatment Process

Before the treatment of arthritis, it is necessary to understand the diseases related to arthritis well. In the life of an individual, there are some movements that he/she performs. Even if these movements seem innocent in general, they create some situations that will negatively affect the quality of life in the future. One of these is arthritis. You can find information about the treatment processes of arthritis disorders, types of treatments and symptoms of conditions requiring arthritis treatment in our article.

What is arthritis?

First of all, it is necessary to recognize the related diseases. As with all other diseases, the best start of arthritis treatments begins with the correct diagnosis. In the life of an individual, there are some movements that he/she performs. Even if these movements seem innocent in general, they create some situations that will negatively affect the quality of life in the future. One of these is arthritis. Arthritis is a disease condition that occurs when the soft tissue between the cartilages in the joint parts of our body is damaged.

Early Diagnosis is Important

Although the main cause of arthritis is seen as the advancement of age, some of our own mistakes can cause us to experience arthritis at an early age and undergo treatment. With the loss of fluid in the cartilages, wear, tears and leaks occur. In Latin, joint calcification is called ARTROZ. While a few simple interventions can be made in early diagnosis, it may require medical interventions due to the fact that the individual postpones the examination despite experiencing the symptoms of this discomfort.

What are the Conditions Causing Calcification?

Osteoarthritis is a disease condition caused by a decrease in the fluid in the soft tissue in the joints. While advancing age plays an important role in arthritis, there are other conditions that are at least as important as advancing age. We can list them as follows;

  • Staying in fixed positions for long periods of time in daily life
  • Cigarette smoking
  • A sedentary life
  • Sitting at the computer for long periods of time
  • Not taking walks
  • Carrying heavy objects that strain the body
  • Making sudden movements
  • Standing for long periods of time
  • The individual falls asleep in a sitting position
  • Too much movement
  • Sudden and rapid weight gain during pregnancy
  • Lack of simple exercises during the day
  • Unhealthy and unbalanced diet
  • Irregular sleep
  • Sports activities
  • Injuries
  • Impacts
  • Traumas
  • Hereditary causes
  • Living an irregular life
  • Following the examination of the causative conditions, the diagnostic processes related to arthritis treatments continue with the examination of the history of the symptoms.

What are the symptoms of arthritis?

The clearest and most obvious effect of arthritis is pain. Even during daily movements, pain sensation, swelling in the joint areas, redness and burning sensations occur after walking and movements.

Crunching sounds coming from the joints of the individual during movement, starting to experience difficulty even in daily routine movement actions, experiencing locking in the joints, not being able to maintain the balance of the body, feeling of weakness, stiffness that occurs due to prolonged immobilization at night when waking up in the morning are shown as symptoms of arthritis.

How is arthritis diagnosed?

In cases of pain in the body, especially joint pain and stiffness in the joints, the individual should consult a specialist doctor and undergo an examination without delay. If the diagnosis is made early, the treatment will end with simpler procedures. Diagnosis is usually sufficient in a doctor’s examination. However, in these calcification disorders, the severity of calcification is important. For this reason, it is considered appropriate to take X-rays if the specialist deems it necessary or to clarify whether there may be another cause. Depending on the results, the specialist may also need computed tomography (CT) and sometimes MRI (MRI) if necessary. If swelling in the joints is detected, it is also possible to perform joint fluid analysis. After all these examinations are performed, the treatment process directed by the specialist will begin.

What are Arthritis Treatments?

In fact, the best method in arthritis treatment is to prevent arthritis before it starts. For this, there should be some routines that the individual should do in his/her life. Daily simple exercises, adequate walks without straining the body will ensure that the body is vigorous, fit and strong. The person can avoid calcification by maintaining his/her form without exceeding the ideal weight. We can also list some treatment methods for individuals with arthritis as follows;

Physical therapy

Physical therapy is the most important and first prioritized treatment method in the treatment of arthritis. Hot and cold pressures are preferred to relieve joint pain. It is aimed to bring the joints to the level of health they should be by supporting them with exercises. Intra-articular needle (liquid) treatment; In intra-articular needle treatment, it is a method used to restore and repair cartilage tissue to its normal state and reduce pain. (examples of fluids made inside the knee: haylünoric acid, collagen, collagen …etc)

Physical therapy

In the treatment of arthritis, the first step is to administer simple painkillers. If the painkillers given are not sufficient, high-dose painkillers are used. If there is joint swelling, antibiotics may be required in addition to high doses of painkillers.


In the treatment of arthritis (types of surgery: closed surgery (arthroscopy), open surgery (total knee replacement), half knee replacement, robotic knee replacement …) Surgery is the last resort after all other treatment methods have been tried. Surgery is not necessary for arthritis unless there is a very essential condition.

What are the Most Common Types of Arthritis?

  • Hip Osteoarthritis (Coxarthrosis, Kokstarroz
  • Knee Calcification (Gonarthrosis)
  • Ear Calcification
  • Spine Calcification
  • Neck Calcification
  • Shoulder Calcification (Om arthrosis)

Picture of Op. Dr. Özgür Oktay Nar

Op. Dr. Özgür Oktay Nar

Op. Dr. Özgür Oktay Nar, specialized in orthopedics and traumatology, is experienced in foot and ankle surgery, sports injuries and minimally invasive surgery. In his private practice, he offers personalized treatment plans to his patients and applies the most up-to-date treatment methods for a healthy and active life.

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